Managing docs has never been easier!

Create unlimited docs, manage and share with anyone. It’s powerful, intuitive, organizable and has no storage limit!


Document your work

Your team’s knowledge hub, to keep all information under one roof. A modern wiki with powerful attributes.

Powerful editor with so many tools and options. Add tables, diagrams, images, videos, doodles and sheets and more!

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Create a knowledge source where everyone can contribute. With real time editing and commenting, you can create ideas, policies, guidelines, SOPs etc. together with your team!

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Enjoy automated sharing with members so you don’t have to copy-paste links every time. Rather the wiki will pop-up exactly when people need it!

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Best docs manager for teams

Let your team feel included by collaborating together. They can organize their docs their way without hampering each others work and contribute at their own pace. Excellent for teamwork and remote collaboration.

Tixio wiki - knowledge management

Gather all information in one place for organizable docs

Get one place to collect all your company documents, SOP, information, process and policies. Create a knowledge and skill hub for teams. It can be your single source of truth, so you team knows where to look for what they need to work every time. 

Automate your docs

Make your docs pop up/float on any website on internet. So your team get access to the information they need exactly where they need it. Perfect for onboarding and guiding people with docs they need come in handy!

Create your company docs with Tixio

Don’t like to start from scratch? Our templates got you covered.


Christmas Planner

marketing goals


Marketing Goals Template

project plan


Project Plan Template



UX Analysis free template

company mission statement


Company Mission Statement Template and everything you need to know

meeting minutes


Meeting Minutes Free Template

Accordion Content
For your visual brainstorming
No-code automation for link sharing
Our latest feature
Android / iOS APP
For instant communication and work from anywhere​

Your Tixio Mobile App for quick messaging with teams, instant access to your work and files from anywhere. 

Get insights on your web time activity​

Get instant reports and insights on how you spend your webtime, and improve efficiency. 

Nested folders​
Create folders within folders​

Create multiple layers of nested folders to organize your stuff without mess.



Tixio Lite

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