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How to improve your workplace productivity
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January 14, 2025
How to improve your workplace productivity
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Imagine this is a typical Monday morning and you are at your work. You went to your office or maybe you are in front of your laptop screen if you are working from home. After a great weekend, you suddenly remembered you had many pending tasks that you planned to do this week. Meanwhile, your project manager called you for a short meeting and you are assigned some new jobs for this week. Suddenly your team member gave you a reminder you had some pending feedback from the past week. You are bombarded with too many tasks alone. When you start doing, you can’t focus on one task. Juggling between tasks, tools, follow-ups, and whatnot! 

At the end of the day most of the time you end up doing nothing. And when you do something that is not perfect enough. You spend a really unproductive day. Sounds familiar (or scary!) right? 

Well, here is when unproductivity happens in your work life. Unproductivity can be seen in a lot of places. Not only just in work but also in terms of your home or even in your free time. This can lead to a lot of stress and problems in your personal life too. 

Now being unproductive can lead to a lot of problems, but there are always ways to overcome them. So let’s dig deep into how you can improve your productivity in the workplace. 

How to improve your Workplace Productivity

1. Clear your goal

While starting or doing any work, first clear up your goal. What you want to achieve from your task. If you have a big goal, then divide it into small ones. After that clear and define what you want to achieve from those goals. Set up the time for achieving each goal. Then start doing on to that. If you have a clear goal about your task it becomes easier for you to maintain your productivity.

If you want to write down your goal and objective somewhere then try Tixio Wiki. Here in Tixio Wiki you can list down, format your writeup, add links, and images as well as you can draw sketches to make things visually easier for you. If you have a team member with whom you might need to share your goals, GOOD NEWS! You can share it from Tixio with your team members.

Tixio WIki

2. Make a list of tasks

Simply this part is called To Do List. Making a to-do list in your workplace is very important to make a to-do list. It helps you to find out what task you should do and get a clear picture. If you are not totally a tech person, you can use sticky notes to make a list of your tasks. 

But if you are tech savvy then you can use any to-do list apps or tools. For example, you can use Tixio’s to-do list feature in the board section. Here you can make a list and cut down any tasks and see which tasks are active and which are not.

In the same board section, you can take notes, bookmark anything and make a task list of your own. All you can do is for free!

Tixio Task List

3. Practice Monotasking

Monotasking means when you only focus on one task and are dedicated to it and reduce the disruption until the task is finished. It is very common that while doing a task, another task might come to your list. But if you defocus on your task and focus on the other, then it is possible that you might end up being unproductive again. 

That is why end up focusing on only one task at a time. Don’t jump into the other until you finish it. Even if a new task is added to your list then only keep it on your to-do list. Don’t just start it right away. That is how you will learn the practice of one thing at a time. 

4. Take a break

Whether you are in your office or you are working from home, take a regular break. Try walking outside, or maybe some indoor sports. Even if needed take a nap for an hour and start working fresh. Taking a break from any task is more than important. It helps to clear your mind and work more efficiently. 

5. Reward yourself

Maybe the most important part. Around every task try to reward yourself with something. Maybe it can be chocolate or the latest iPhone. This is obviously based on the task. For completing bigger tasks try to give yourself something expensive. For smaller give the smaller gift. But keep in mind your expenses as well. 

In the workplace, it is nearly impossible to always be productive. But by maintaining some easy rules at least for some day you can be productive most of the time. 

Long story short, to get efficient results you must be productive in your work life as well as your personal life. So be productive with these 5 tips and use your convenient tool where is necessary. 

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